During the last night in Krakow it seemed as though the bike had managed to jump off its stand and then picked up by a passer by. I noticed it was missing the top the clutch leaver and the indicator lens was sitting on the tank. Neither of them were anything too much to worry about. Ignition on, run, jump, 2nd vroom!! Time to load up and head for Budapest. I had checked the battery over and found it was completely dry – oh dear. I stopped off and topped it up at the first fuel stop.
The ride 6+ hour to Budapest was pretty awesome, the majority of it up into the Slovakian hill/mountains, twisting and turning before reaching the flat plains of Hungary. We decided to take a break just after the Slovakian border and enjoyed a sandwich and some crisps at Tesco. I had already booked accommodation in Budapest so there was no rush, we just relaxed and enjoyed the ride.
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